What is Stat-X?
The Stat-X compound is the most effective fire-extinguishing agent currently available – many times more effective than conventional agents by mass. The Stat-X First Responder contains the same compound used in the fixed Stat-X generators. The Stat-X First Responder works by interrupting the chain reaction of the fire. Potassium radicals are the main active component of the Stat-X aerosol. These potassium radicals react with the free radicals of the flame, which results in suppression. Stat-X does not deplete the oxygen level nor does it deplete the ozone layer or contribute to global warming.
Stat-X First Responders
The Stat-X First Responders are an innovative new tool that can be used in a variety of circumstances. The handheld generators are designed to deploy quickly – by simply twisting the ring pin to release the safety clip, pulling the ring pin and then tossing the First Responder into the fire. The fire suppression agent releases in 5 seconds.
Stat-X First Responder use by Police and Firefighters
There are many circumstances when police and firefighters would benefit from Stat-X First Responders. For any emergency worker who is the first on scene of a fire, Stat-X First Responders are an effective way to address a fire while waiting on additional resources to arrive. Especially for vehicle fires where the First Responder can knockdown the fire entirely.
Stat-X First Responders are also an effective way to address potential flashover when water isn’t available yet. The Stat-X First Responder can be tossed ahead of the firefighter to eliminate many of the contributing factors of flashover.
The Stat-X First Responder can be used in situations where firefighters or civilians are trapped due to an intense area of fire. Tossing the First Responder into the flames will provide immediate fire suppression.
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